Saturday, July 20, 2019

ODBC error IM003 in SQLConnect on Siebel Server start

When trying to start Siebel Server on AIX 7.1:
bash-4.3$ start_server all

The following error was found in the log files:
ODBC error IM003 in SQLConnect:
[DataDirect][ODBC lib] Specified driver could not be loaded
(native error 0).
Unable to login using specified ODBC parameters.

The cause of the error was an incorrect LIBATH configuration, where lib32 from Oracle Client was missing.

So I updated file:

The user ID or password that you entered is incorrect - Siebel IP2017 SMC Login Failure

I was not able to login to SMC after a fresh install, the error message displayed was:

Message from webpage
The user ID or password that you entered is incorrect.

Of course the credentials I was using was the same as the ones provided during installation, but it was not working, regardless of what I tried.

I also tested changing the certificates as it is responsible for 99% of the errors during SMC utilization, but it wasn't the case this time.

So finally what I did to solve the issue was changing the JRE that comes with installation,. I don't know what exactly was wrong, but replacing it by Java8 (64-bit) found on /usr folder (exported as $JAVA_HOME) was enough to get it working properly.

Below the commands I used for it:
cd $ai_location
mv jre jre_orig
ln -s $JAVA_HOME/jre jre

Could not load program sqlplus error on AIX

First time when I finished installing Oracle Client in AIX 7.1 and trying to run a simple ./sqlplus command, the following error was shown:

bash-4.3$ ./sqlplus
Could not load program ./sqlplus:
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol GetQueuedCompletionStatus was referenced
      from module /u01/app/oracle/client/lib/, but a runtime definition
            of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol ReadFile was referenced
      from module /u01/app/oracle/client/lib/, but a runtime definition
            of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol WriteFile was referenced
      from module /u01/app/oracle/client/lib/, but a runtime definition
            of the symbol was not found.

It was odd, since the same installation worked with no errors in another machine, so after some research I figured out that IOCP module was not enabled on the server. It can be check by the following command:

bash-4.3$ lsdev | grep iocp

  iocp0       Defined  I/O Completion Ports

As you can see by the output above, iocp is set to Defined, which is the default configuration. In order to have the Oracle Client working properly, one must work with the system admin to have it enabled. The expected output for this command is:

bash-4.3$ lsdev | grep iocp

  iocp0    Available   I/O Completion Ports

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Error when importing virtual machine in VirtualBox

After having a problem with my external drive, I had to re-import the old images in a new VirtualBox installation and started facing the following error:

Document is empty.
Location: 'D:\VirtualBox VMs\Ubuntu 18.04\Ubuntu 18.04.vbox', line 1 (0), column 1.

Ok, so after navigating to that directory and opening the referred vbox file (Ubuntu 18.04.vbox), I realized it was empty.

Fear not! In the same folder should exist another file with .vbox-prev extension. All you need to do is to delete this 0-byte file, rename the .vbox-prev to .vbox and re-import it.

Best of luck!

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Siebel Install Database Error: set_unicode.sql not found

When doing a fresh install of Siebel version IP19.2 on an Oracle Linux 7.6 server, I faced the following error during the database installation:

UpgradeLog UpgradeInfo 3 0000000254e42d16:0 2019-04-18 19:28:43 Status Message (Executing SQL statements in file /opt/siebel/ses/dbsrvr/oracle/set_unicode.sql ...)
Trace Trace 3 0000000254e42d16:0 2019-04-18 19:28:43 Unable to open file 'set_unicode.sql'.

After a long night of research I figured out that this error was caused by a error that happened during the Siebel binaries installation, as seen in the $SIEBEL_ROOT/cfgtoollogs/oui path:

$ ls -ltr *.err

I found non-zero .err files, so taking a closer look to these files, this is what I found: Cannot run program "/bin/csh": error=2, No such file or directory at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(

With the above error message I was able to identify that the root cause of the error was the lack of c shell installation on my server, so I simply ran:

yum install tcsh

It is important to note that, after installing the c shell lib, I re-installed Siebel from scratch and everything ran smoothly =)

Friday, April 26, 2019

ODBC error 81 in SQLConnect

After installing Oracle Client (32-bit) and Siebel IP17, one of the mandatory steps is to test connectivity to the Database using odbcsql command, like:

odbcsql /u <db_username> /p <db_password> /s <DSN_Name>

But I wasn't able to get it to work, instead I was facing the below error:

Logging into "SiebelInstall_DSN" as "SIEBEL" ...
ODBC error 81 in SQLConnect:
523 80
(native error 0).
Unable to login using specified ODBC parameters.

After some troubleshooting I was able to solve it after creating a symbolic reference for libclnst lib:

ln -s