Wednesday, September 30, 2015

How to stop Microsoft Word from converting hyphens to long dashes

Step 1: Click on Microsoft Word Button, then click Word Options

Step 2: In the Options window, click on Proofing then click on AutoCorrect Options…

Step 3: On AutoFormat tab, uncheck Hyphens (--) with Dash (–) option

Step 4: On AutoFormat As You Type tab, uncheck Hyphens (--) with Dash (–) option and then click OK

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How to install OSMC on Raspberry Pi

Where to download:

Installation steps:

Insert an empty SD card in your computer, double click on the downloaded file and follow the installation steps below:

And that's it, you're read to insert your SD card into your Raspberry Pi board and plug it into your television.

Enjoy =)

How to install Win32 Disk Imager

Where to download:

Installation steps:

Double click on the downloaded file and then follow the installation steps:

After that, you should be able to open Win32 Disk Imager: